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Read This If You’ve Been In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

It doesn't start toxic, and you never really see it coming. But once they have a hold on you, you're stuck there for a certain period of time. The thing about being in an abusive relationship is that it doesn’t seem abusive, at least not at first. They seem like everything you could possibly want in a significant other. They seem like the one that would finally give you the love you deserve, or so you thought.
It doesn’t start as toxic. It actually starts like a romantic movie. It starts looking...

8 Dark Truths About Growing Up With A Toxic Family

The thing about family is that it keeps you grounded and encourages you to become a better person. A toxic family won't ever do that for you. Family isn’t always about blood. If you’ve experienced a dysfunctional family, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Here are eight dark truths about having toxic family.
When you speak up about your side of the matter, you’re classified as disrespectful. When you stay silent, you’re being distant and unattached to them. It’s a battle you’re never going...

Don’t Be Drunk On The Idea Of Loving Someone

When we meet someone and we feel that chemistry, we have it in our heads that it could be love. When we make this stupid mistake of having a one night stand with someone, we have it in our heads that just because they had our bodies for a night, we get their hearts in… At the end of the day, us humans will always crave the closest thing we’ll ever get to feeling in love, even if it isn’t real. We’re all guilty of this, one way or another. You can’t see it right away, but the deep need to feel af...

23 Things I Learned After Leaving A Toxic Relationship Behind

Love enough isn't enough to make a person want to stay with you. 2. Words are simply just words if they aren’t backed up with actions. Just because he says he wants a future with you, it doesn’t mean anything unless he proves otherwise.
3. Don’t ever sacrifice your morals and values for a relationship to last, because you will eventually lose yourself in the process.
4. There is already something wrong with the relationship if it feels like a one-sided, draining, unhealthy relationship.
5. Alway...

The Truth About Reaching The One-Year Mark Of A Relationship

Suddenly, you’re on the verge of hitting the 1-year mark and you’re amazed as to how you could have made it this far. It starts like this.
You meet them and suddenly you can’t get the sound of their laugh off your mind. You feel that cliché line in movies because sparks really flew the moment you looked into their eyes. Their hand touches yours and they suddenly become your favorite form of addiction and you wanted them to hold you forever.
This is what they call the honeymoon phase; you can’t k...

6 Practical Ways to Create a Healthy Work Environment

Recognizing the need for change is the first step to a healthy work environment. Look for signs of micromanagement, gaslighting, bullying, high turnover, and poor work-life balance. Once you've identified these negative patterns, you can tackle them head-on and transform your workplace into a stress-free and productive hub.
It's important to remember that this process isn't about pointing fingers but finding solutions. Getting everyone involved in this process is key because each member of th...

From Planning to Popping: 13 Tips for a Winning Marriage Proposal

Asking your partner to marry you is one of life's most significant milestones. It's a declaration of love and commitment, signaling a desire to spend a lifetime together. Given its importance, preparing before popping the question is crucial. Preparation reduces stress and increases the chances of a "Yes!"Not to sound too cliché, but going into marriage is a lifetime commitment. Hence, it is imperative to ensure both you and your partner are ready for it. Before you pop the question, have some r...

10 Signs That Your Partner Is Fantasizing About Someone Else

Rachael Pace inspires with motivational articles on loving partnerships. She encourages making room for love and facing challenges together.

Maggie enthusiastically works with people to foster self-determination and encourages them to grow in a safe therapeutic environment. She has a background in psychology and... Read More
If you’re wondering what fantasizing means, it generally refers to someone daydreaming about someone they find attractive. Fantasizing ab...

Loving Someone With Avoidant Attachment Style : 10 ways

It’s hard enough to love someone with any kind of attachment style, but when the person you love has an avoidant attachment style, things can get even more complicated. Avoidant people tend to be very independent, self-sufficient, and private, which isn’t always easy for a partner or spouse. 
With this being said, there are tips for loving someone with an avoidant attachment style. Here are 10 ways you can do this, as well as how to be in a relationship with an avoidant attachment style. 
If you...

Read This If You’re Scared Of Getting Married

The way marriage is portrayed in movies and books romanticizes everything in a way that actually makes you want it. In reality, though, the thought of marriage is scarier that one might think. Marriage isn’t just about planning the perfect wedding. It’s not stressing over floral arrangements, the perfect wedding rings, or the most breathtaking dress. No, marriage is a lifetime commitment—one wrong move and you end up screwing everything up. This is why the concept of marriage is so scary and sac...

51 Things Low Vibrational People Do (Recognise Any?)

Based on the Law of Attraction, an individual’s vibrational frequency represents everything in their life. 

A person’s ability to live the life they want and the overall quality of it comes from their frequency. 

So it’s an accurate assumption to say that when they have low vibration, they’re prone to live a harmful and unhealthy life. 

Also, there’s a massive difference between being sad from time to time and low vibration as part of their standard outlook in life. 

So in turning on...

25 Misleading Beliefs About Love You Need To Let Go Of By 25

There are various definitions of effort, but people don't always stop trying. 1. They don’t love you if they don’t text you back.
People are not obligated to explain to you the reasons why they don’t communicate. We all lead busy lives and appreciate that for the fact that they’re doing something productive.
2. They’ll change for the better if you love them harder.
Unfortunately, even if you stay for the longest period of time, people don’t change that quickly. You have to stop loving people int...

What Love Was And What Love Becomes

Love isn’t always pretty. But love isn’t destructive either. There’s a darkness to love, but it isn’t supposed to consume you with that darkness.
We used to think that love was tolerating the bad in someone just because you can’t imagine a life without them.
Love was screaming at them until it drains the energy out of you, wondering when was the moment that love suddenly turned to despair and anger.
Love was losing yourself and giving up everything you’ve ever known, for someone that ruined your...